Your Compass when it comes to buying and selling a home.


About Us

Have you ever been clueless on where or how to find a decent professional to help you do something you can’t do yourself?

I have. Way TOO many times. For example, I moved to Colorado, bought a home, had it inspected and every step along the way I knew I was NOT getting the level of professionalism and service I should be….

Same goes for a repair guy, one quoted me over 2k in repairs and then when I FINALLY found a decent one, around $300!!!

The real estate market is like the wild west, especially if you don’t truly have a good connection in the area you’re moving to.

And this is why I formed this website and this business. When buying a house, you should have a sounding board for really GOOD experiences and really BAD. Inspectors, title companies, other related
businesses that can make or break your home buying experience.

So, take a look around! Please feel free to reach out, leave feedback on the site as well as on your real estate experience so it can help others with theirs!

Thanks for visiting!

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